Top Hat Courses

In Top Hat

Top Hat Sailing Division Course List        (Version 011 dated July 2023)

1. Races are generally held on 1st Saturday of each month. 

2. Start times:  First Fleet: 1240.  Second Fleet: 1310.

3. Time Limit: Unless advised, First Fleet:     3hrs30 mins. 

Second Fleet: 3hrs (i.e. cut-off 1610 if the two starts are on time). 

4. Round the end re-starts for OCS or 2 x penalty turns if no Comm. Boat.
Note that for Courses 20 and 21 the time limit is increased by 30 mins for both fleets.

5. New entrants will be placed in the appropriate fleet by the Handicapper.

6. Any course may be shortened at any mark of the course.

7. All boats are to set clocks to GPS time before the start, then to take their own clock finish time and report it to the Committee via SMS. No finish time = no result.

8. Where races are shortened by the committee a finish line will be set by the first boat to finish at a mark of the course. The finish boat will position itself perpendicular and on the passing side of the mark indicated in the course list at a distance of 3 of her boat lengths.  

9. The first boat to cross the finish line or shortened finish line above must stay at the Finish Line, or shortened finish line, for 30 mins after their finish time and take all other finish times, to the second using provided worklist. After 30 mins, late finishers take and advise their own time.

10. All clock finish times to be advised to Committee in hours, minutes AND seconds immediately!

Marks are rounded to Starboard, unless marked "(P)" which indicates a port rounding.


(Wind direction N/NE/E):                                                                                         WIND CONDITIONS

1:         SL, SP(P), AV, TB, SP(P), MB(P), AV, FL                                                         MED

2:         SL, TB, SP(P), MB(P), SPT(P), SP(P), SPT(P), FL                                          MED

3:         SL, MB(P), TP, SPT(P), TB, MB(P), FL                                                     MED-FRESH

4:         SL, TB, SPT(P), TB, SP(P), FL                                                                            MED

5:         SL, MB(P), TB, SP(P), AV, SP(P), MB(P), SPT(P), MB(P), FL                      FRESH         

6:         SL, MB(P), SPT(P), RP, SPT(P), FL                                                                   MED  

7:         SL, RP, SP(P), MB(P), SP(P), SPT(P), FL                                                         LT - MED      

8:         SL, TB, SP(P), SPT(P), TP, TB, SPT(P), FL                                                      MED

9:         SL, RP, SP(P), RP, SP(P), SPT(P), AV, SP(P), FL                                          FRESH

10:      SL, RP, SP(P), TB, SP(P), SPT(P), FL                                                               MED  

11:      SL, LN, AV, RP, LN, RP, AV, FL                                                                          LT - MED      

12:      SL, SP(P), MB(P), SPT(P), SP(P), SPT(P), AV, SPT(P), FL                          MED

13:      SL, RP, SP(P), SPT(P), TB, SP(P), TP, SP(P), FL                                           FRESH         

(Wind Direction North/South):

14:      SL, AV, TP, TB, SP(P), SPT(P), RP, AV, FL                                                     MED

15:      SL, SP(P), MB(P), TP, SP(P), MB(P), TP, SP(P), FL                                       FRESH         

(Wind Direction West):

16:      SL, MB(P), TP, MB(P), AV, SPT(P), FL                                                              MED

17:      SL, TB, SP(P), TP, TB, SP(P), TP, TB, AV, FL                                         MED - FRESH    

18:      SL, SP(P), MB(P), TB, SP(P), FL                                                                         MED  

19:      SL, SP(P), AV, MB (P), TP, SP(P), FL                                                                MED  

(All Wind directions Long Courses):   

20:      SL, LI(P), MB(P), FL Note: time limit extended by 30 mins both fleets   FRESH         

21:      SL, LI(P), JP(P), FL  Note: time limit extended by 30 mins both fleets   FRESH         

22:      SL, RP, AV, RP, MB(P), TP, AV, FL                                                                   FRESH         

23:      SL, TB, TP, MB(P), SPT(P), SP(P), SPT(P), TB, AV, FL                                FRESH         

SL = An imaginary line between the flag mast aboard the Committee Boat and a laid buoy situated to the north of RMYC. There may be a stand-off flag mark laid off the Committee Boat in which case boats must not pass between this laid flag mark and the Committee Boat. This is prohibited water.

In the event there is no Committee Boat : SL = An imaginary line between the Port Channel Marker at Holmes Reef (just nth of RMYC) and the turquoise waiting room of Carol’s Wharf on Scotland Is. heading nth. 

FL = Finish line = imaginary transit between TP(S) and the Police & Emergency Blue Mooring (P), (which is approx 50m to the ENE of TP mark), heading south, unless otherwise advised or course is shortened.

AV = Avalon Sailing Club

RP = Rocky Point / a.k.a. Woody Point.  

JP = Juno Point

LI = Lion Island

LN = Long Nose Point

MB = Mackerel Beach

SP = Stokes Point

SPT = Soldiers Point

TB = Towlers Bay

TP = Taylors Point

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