Boating Divisions
The Club has seven different boating communities, each with their individual social calendar. Be sure to check them out and find the one that is right for you!
The Cruiser Division promotes boating on Pittwater and in the local waterways and is open to all RMYC skippers and crews who enjoy participating in social and competitive motor cruiser activities.
The BBGFC is widely recognised as one of Australia’s premier game fishing clubs. Our member's have access not only to some sensational fishing grounds, but also to world-class facilities that include a 256 berth marina, secure parking, restaurant, bars, weigh station, fuel & ice, as well as onsite contractors to handle most requirements.
Promotes sailing & racing events in Pittwater and other east coast waterways. Yacht racing enthusiasts & stage mixed fleet yacht races throughout the year to test boat handling, seamanship & navigation skills.
Promotes & caters to skippers who prefer a leisurely cruise or a coastal trip with other yachts. Weekend’s away & longer duration cruises feature prominently on the Sail Cruising programme including “raft-ups” & BBQ's in the Pittwater / Hawkesbury.
Sail racing on beautiful Pittwater without any fuss and bluster. We have a wide range of sailing boats, our handicapping ensures that each boat gets a fair go on the results sheet with two separate fleet starts. Having an enjoyable time with your peers is as important to us as what happens on the course.
For those who love good company and messing about in boats! It's a division rich in maritime history, with yachts, Halvorsens, motor launches, cruisers, converted trawlers, and crayboats and more.
Mini Mariners is a parents volunteer program providing children between the ages of 6-14 & families the opportunity to socialise & learn important water safety skills in a safe, social, fun & non-competitive atmosphere. It's all about “messing around with boats”. Similar to “Sea Scouts” but unique in that every child must be actively accompanied by one parent or guardian.
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