Valentines Night dinner on Sophie Wackles was a fun night although the heavens opened up just after everyone arrived. We decided that a sunset cruise was not a good idea so we partied on the marina. Sophies new awning was no match for the wind and rain. We had a full compliment of 14. We were very disappointed that Casey had an accident while inspecting his pool in the afternoon and ended up in hospital. So Casey and Steph couldn’t attend but Robyn and Tony’s email had gone missing and they managed to find us and make up the numbers.
The simple catering of an entree spinach dip, corn chips and salad nibbles followed by a cold main of salad and thai meatballs with a dessert of cake and cream made serving easy and just a bag of plates, glasses and utensils to take home to wash. Eleanor as always provided decorations. I don’t think Cupids arrow managed to hit anyone but we did have some single people onboard, so that remains to be seen. Kari serenaded us singing “My Funny Valentine”.
It was quite noisy in the crowded saloon and so a few souls rugged up and stayed up on deck.
Tom and I stayed on board mopping up the leaks which appeared during the downpour but the other party goers got well and truly drenched getting back to their cars.
Christine Simmat